I've cracked another keeper. Found this scene and worked on it for ages, trying about 20 different positions to find this angle. I love the colours, shapes and scribble. These new photographs recharge my batteries everytime.
The Leftbank locals must have thought I was a nutter up against the glass moving an inch left or right. It's good sometimes to be seen as a bit eccentric because people stop asking questions. I remember reading in a book many years ago: 'Put your camera to your eye and wait. People will stop staring in time and you will become invisible, behind your camera'. It works!!
I think I have about 7 good photographs so far this year. The one above, Nov 15, Oct 3, Sept 22, Aug 31 (dog), Aug 27 (legs) and Aug 21 (hand close up). Perhaps two will truly last.
Yep, that's a keeper, all right. I love how both the light value and the colour match in teh squiggles and the furniture wraps. I've never counted good photos by the year, but I heard a friend doing that recently, so maybe I'll have to give that some thought. Also, that's a good quote about becoming invisible. As you can imagine, shooting a 4x5 on the street draws people like moths to a light. But I've found that if I move really fast, with dead-serious intent and don't look at anybody, only completely focussed on what I'm doing, people leave me alone, and because I'm so studiously ignoring them, I have no idea if they're watching me or not. But then, I'm only looking at camera gear and a building, which is different than the people work that you do.